
Researchers Made DVD-Shaped Disc That Can Store Movies Than You Could See In Your Whole Life

ISTOCK / GETTY IMAGES PLUS (disc)Scientists at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology have discovered an optical storage device that has the similar shape and size as a…

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Coin-Sized Nuclear Battery Could “Continuously” Fly Drones

Featured Image Credit: BetavoltSuppose no need to change a battery in a gadget ever again — in fact, a battery that could outlive you.That’s what Betavolt, a Chinese tech company, is arguing with…

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Rolls-Royce Secures Funds to Make Nuclear Reactor for Mining The Moon and Mars

Artist’s illustration of nuclear reactor on a moon base powered by Rolls-Royce microreactors. (Image credit: Rolls-Royce Holdings)Rolls-Royce is functioning on a nuclear reactor for providing power to mining operations on the…

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