
Things Are Looking Pretty Grim For VOYAGER 1

Image tweeted by @NASASerious IssueThings have gone from bad to worse for Voyager 1, which has been out of reach with Earth-bound mission control for months now — and there’s…

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Biggest Conserver of Water in Space Contains 140 Trillion Times More Water Than Earth’s Oceans?

The water is in the form of vapor distributed around a black hole said to be 20 billion times more massive than the sun.This reservoir of water was seen surrounded…

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There’s an Asteroid Out There Worth $100,000 Quadrillion. Why Haven’t We Mined It?

While asteroids are rich sources of precious and valuable materials, scientists still haven’t fully committed to mining them.An artist’s illustration of the Psyche spacecraft visiting 16 Psyche.(Supplied: NASA/JPL)On Oct. 13,…

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Scientists Discovered Universe’s Most Luminous Object– A Quasar Powered by Black Hole Which Eats a Sun a Day

Credit: Robin Dienel/Carnegie Institution for ScienceThe brightest known object in the universe -a quasar 500tn times brighter than our sun, was “hiding in plain sight”, scientists say.Australian scientists detected a…

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Two Super-Earth Planets are Discovered, One of Them Could Have Possibility of Life

Artist’s impression of two Earth-mass planets orbiting the star GJ 1002. Credit: Alejandro Suárez Mascareño and Inés Bonet (IAC)In the infinite universe, the search for life beyond our planet has…

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Researchers Call Plastiglomerate, The Emergence Of Plastic Rocks, An Ecological Disaster In The Making

“Plastic rocks” found on Trindade Island in the state of Espirito Santo is seen at the laboratory of the Federal University of Parana, in Curitiba, state of Parana, Brazil on…

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Evolutionary Biologist Design The “Perfect Human Body” And It is a Wild Sight To See

Recently, AI has even taken a stab at what it thinks “perfect,” given the data it is fed.Now, someone really educated is weighing in, and their answer might shock you.Of course,…

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NASA’s Interstellar Voyager 1 Spacecraft isn’t Performing too Good— Here’s What We Know

Since late 2023, scientists have been seeking to get the Voyager spacecraft back online.Image: NASA/JPL-CaltechOn Dec. 12, 2023, NASA shared worrying information about Voyager 1, the first probe to walk…

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SpaceX Launches Private Moon Lander

Credit: Paul Hennessy/Anadolu via Getty Images A pioneering private moon mission is going well so far.The robotic Odysseus moon lander, which was constructed by Houston company Intuitive Machines, launched atop a SpaceX Falcon 9…

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Scientists Lead to Belief That Jupiter Used to be Flat

Image credit: Indiana UniversityOblate JupiterConsidering all planets as being spheres? It might not be that simple.Using a supercomputer, a team of astrophysicists have simulated how gas giants like Jupiter grew in…

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